Saturday, September 28, 2013

Rainbow Room News October Wk 1

Rainbow Room Newsletter
September 30th - October 4th

In Our Classroom
In our classroom this week, we are learning about Apples and the letter "A".  During circle time we will be reading books about apples and the alphabet.  We will also use that time to discuss the types of apples, what words begin with the letter "A", as well as singing some apple songs.

During our group activity time we will be talking about the different ways you can make apples by doing some apple tastings, counting the seeds we find in an apple, as well as helping make applesauce. We will also be creating apple trees, painting with apples and roller painting apples.

Thank you to those parents who have already turned in their packets!  I want to remind other parents to make sure and finish those up and turn them in by October 11th!  Thank you!

Book Orders and T-Shirt Orders
Orders are due Monday September 30th.  T-shirts are $5.00.  I have received orders from most of you, but are still missing a few.  For every book order you make online, it goes towards books for our classroom!

Due by Thursday 10th at noon.

Our school carnival is Friday October 4th from 5:00-7:00pm.  There are still a couple spots left to sign up for, please help us out!  Plus it goes towards your volunteer hours!

Class Parties
Our Halloween class parties are Wednesday October 30th and Thursday 31st.  I am looking for 2 volunteers for the 30th and 31st to help with planning and setting up for our class party.  Our party will start at 11am and end at 11:45.  Some ideas for the parties are starting off with a fun Halloween craft and then ending with games and prizes.  Children are encouraged to dress up in their costumes and parents are encouraged to attend the party with their children!  

Farm Field Trip
Thursday October 17th 10am
Friday October 18th 10am

Songs We Sing
Rainbow Song
Red orange yellow green blue and purple 
Red orange yellow green blue and purple
Red orange yellow green blue and purple
Makes the rainbow BRIGHT BRIGHT BRIGHT!
(Sing two times through)

Calendar Song
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Seven days a week (2 times)

Bee Song
Im bringing home a baby bumble bee
wont my mommy be so proud of me
im bringing home a baby bumble bee
ouch!  it stung me!
im squishing up my baby bumble bee
wont my mommy be so proud of me
im squishing up my baby bumble bee
eeew!!!!  All messy!!!
Im washing off my baby bumble bee
wont my mommy be so proud of me
im washing off my baby bumble bee
all clean!

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Teacher Alisha 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Rainbow Room News

Week of September 16th

Last Week
Last week we learned about colors! We played color matching games, we talked about the colors we were wearing and our sharing.  We explored what happens when you mix two primary colors together in water bottles.  We read books about a bunny that changes colors, a crayon box that talks, and a lost green sheep.  We also created lots of colorful pictures and sang fun songs!

Next Week
Next week we will be talking about Shapes and Numbers!  We will be creating a shape house and do some shape matching.  We will also be counting frogs and monkeys.

 Late Pick-ups
As a reminder there is a 5 minute grace period for late pick-ups.  After 5 minutes there is a dollar a minute fee.  If you are late there will be a late pick-up slip for you to fill out.  Thanks for understanding. If you know you will be late, please call Maria at the office.

The red sharing basket will now be placed inside the classroom next to the door on a table when you first come in.  Please remember to label your child's sharing item.  Also please remove your sharing item if its in a backpack, we do not always have time to check each bag.  Thank you!


Picture Day
The Rainbow Room will be having their pictures taken Monday September 23rd and Tuesday September 24th.  By the sign-in sheet there is a paper to fill out for picture day.  Please take one home to fill out and return.  Thanks!

On Friday September 27th Little Acorn is having a fundraiser.  We are asking children to get pledges for how many laps they can go around on a track.  It will be at the school in one of the parking lots. There is a flyer to take home with you by the sign-in sheet.  Thanks!!

Some of the children have expressed in class that they would like to ride the trikes at school when we are on the playground, however, unless you bring in a labeled helmet you can not ride a trike.  If you know your child would like to ride a trike you can bring in a helmet and take it home with you at the end of class! 

Volunteer Hours
There is a sign-up sheet for Golfing by the sign-in sheet.  On the first Friday of October we are having a school carnival and we need your help!!!  If you could please pick a time slot to sign up for to help out with our class golfing booth that would be awesome!  If we do not get enough people to volunteer then we will have to close the booth.  Thank you!!  


Rainbow Room News

Week of September 9th

 In Our Classroom

We made it to the second week of school!  We will still have some new children and families starting the school year this week. 

This week we will be learning about the colors of the rainbow.

During group time we will be creating coffee filter paintings, sun catchers, and rainbow pictures.  We will also be playing the color game, doing some color matching, as well as experiencing with mixing colors in bottles of water Please feel free to donate your empty water bottles to our classroom to be used during the week! 

We will be reading a book about a little rabbit who changes into different colors when he falls into colored paint, we will also ready the crayon box that talked and a book about finding the green sheep amongst other sheep. 

Some new songs to practice with your child are:

“Mary Wore Her Red Dress”

Mary wore her red dress, red dress, red dress

Mary wore her red dress, all day long

Johnny wore his green pants, green pants, green pants

Johnny wore his green pants all day long

“5 Green and Speckled Frogs”

Five green and speckled frogs sat on a speckled log

Eating some most delicious bugs

Yum yum

One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool

Then there were four green speckled frogs

Glub glub

Repeat 4, 3, 2, 1

Next Week

 Next week we will be talking about Shapes and Numbers and practicing how to count, and the names of shapes.

Friendly Reminder


o   Wear RED/ ORANGE

o   Sharing something RED/ ORANGE



o   Sharing something YELLOW/ GREEN

    Thursday/ Friday


o   Sharing something BLUE/ PURPLE

      If you would like to volunteer to be a room helper please let me know!  We love having parents help out in our classroom and the children love it too!

      There are small bikes at school for the children to ride on the playground.  Please provide a labeled helmet for your child if they wish to ride a bike.  You can bring the helmet to and from school.

      Tuition is due on the 10th

Rainbow Room News
Week of September 3rd
Welcome to the Rainbow Room Class!  It was wonderful getting to meet all of the families coming into the Rainbow Room Class.  We are so excited about the year ahead and getting to know your family.

We will need a copy of a family photo for our class family tree.  Please send copies of the picture just in case something happens to them.  Thank you!

The first few days of school can be hard (usually on the parents).  We encourage you to have a positive energy when you bring your child into school and give a goodbye hug at drop off.  School is a fun, safe place to make new friends and for children to know that mommy and daddy always come back.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to talk with me after pick up or you can reach me by email at

In Our Classroom

In our classroom this week we will be getting to know each other and the classroom.  We will be reading the book The Kissing Hand to let the children know that even though it can be scary going to school, mommy and daddy love you so much.  We will also be learning songs to get to know our friends. 

 Mark Your Calendars

 September 3rd First Day of School

September 10th Tuition Due @ noon

September 22-26th Pictures TBA

September 27th Family Event TBA


-    Please bring in a copy of a family photo to your child’s first day

-    Please be sure to wash your hand before coming to class

 -     Reminder that this is a NUT FREE room due to allergies

Thank you!!

 Parent Volunteer Time

 A way to add some volunteer time into your schedule is by donating items to our classroom!  You can donate school supplies such as markers, glue sticks, crayons, can add supplies like tissues, wipes, gloves, sanitizer...or you could even help us with our class pet guinea pig!  Items to help him out would be food and bedding.  

$25.00 = 30 min volunteer time

$12.50 = 15 min volunteer time

 Songs We Sing

“The More We Get Together”

The more we get together, together, together

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.

Cause your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends.

The more we get together the happier we’ll be.

With  (child name) and (child name) and (child name) and (child name).

The more we get together the happier we’ll be.

(Repeat 4 more children’s names till everyone has had a turn).

“If Your Happy and You Know It”

If you are happy and you know it clap your hands.

If you are happy and you know it clap your hands.

If your happy and you know it, and you really want to show it

If your happy and you know it clap your hands.

 (wiggle your body, turn around, stomp your feet)